Thursday, July 12, 2007

Brand New in San Jose!

Actually, it's Brand New, Thrice, AND mewithoutYou!!!!! That's right, Friday November 2nd, those three amazing bands will be in San Jose. Get your tickets NOW! Advance tickets for the Los Angeles shows are already gone! Get these tickets fast! Click on the title, and then go to "more upcoming shows" and then just scroll down till ya see Brand New/Thrice/mewithoutYou, and go to the San Jose show. You'll need to make an account, unless you already have.

Okay I sounded way too...uh...commercial-y there...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back to Xanga.

Hey, everybody. To those of you who might be interested, I have begun a brand-new blog. From here, I hope to be making weekly (or so) updates on my life and times. My personal Blogger pretty much hit a dead end, but I wanted to have some sort of output, Internet-wise. I have this deep feeling nobody is going to give a crap.

Like my site's music? Of course you do.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


This isn't really music related... oh well.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

" cool and hip."

Thought this was pretty funny. Gotta love George's line...and, not to mention, Craig T. Nelson*.

(*Mr. Incredible, anyone?)