Coldplay first attained world-wide success on the strength of their memorable romantic-dream pop--the classic "Yellow," from their Parachute debut being just one gleaming example. By the time of their third album, X&Y, the band had grown to such ridiculous commercial heights that they could easily have stuck to earlier formulas without risking or adding anything new. Yet Colplay explores alot of new territory in X&Y, referencing everyone from Kraftwerk to Radiohead. Coldplay's ascension as the rock heroes of the new millenium rivals that of Nirvana's just ten years earlier. Both were unwitting heroes of a rock scene desperate for a leader and both donned their crowns with great reluctance. But unlike Nirvana, Coldplay chose the dream-pop route to success.
These guys are awesome. If you haven't listened to my other bands before, this would be the one to check out.
"You shall have no othe gods before Me," that's what God says, and you should obey. Therefore, the guys in Coldplay are not the "gods of rock." Shame on you!
You're right. Crap. I changed it. I'm sorry God!
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