I'm seriously also really into the Goo Goo Dolls lately. This band has really catchy and deep love songs(yes, yes, LOVE songs). I didn't think I'd like 'em when I heard of them first, but then I got to listen to them and ever since, I really love their music. Recommended listens: "Better Days," "Iris," and "Stay With You." I soooo totally want their new CD REALLY BAAADDDD!!!!!
Um... no thanks.
Why not?
Good job at AWANA last night, by the way.
Hey Amanda, don't you think you and I are getting a little sick of the same template? Can you please change it? You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm kinda sick of it.
yes thats what i was gunna say!!!!! wow ill change it
ok never mind i cant
HAHAHHA!!! Only I have the power to change it! Now, go to Rebekah's blog. www.packer77.blogsot.com BTW taht's her dog's name. AND if you're REALLY sick of the template I'll change it. Oh yeah, don't foget to e-mail Rebekah. rlbarker6@msn.com
OK. Thanx. And good bye. Have a good life. See ya on Sunday. Yeah. Ok. Bye for real. BYE.
ya i tried and it didnt work
thatnx 4 changin the tem;late
Whoa, that was a minute ago.
Ok, three minutes
Goo Goo Dolls had two of your recommended songs as music videos on their web site. There music is enjoyable, but some of the songs confuse me. What do you like about "Better days", Ricky, since you seem to be the one who likes them?
I've tried twice to post a new band but I ran out of time and the computer wasn't letting me post any pics. *Sigh* I fear that this blog will be overtaken by Ricky's old bands that Amanda has grown up with (and she doesn't really like them).
Hey!! I have the same problem with posting my bands!!! It like, takes me 13 times to finally get a pic of the band successfully. It drives me nuts!!! What do I like about "Better Days"? Well, first of all, I thought it's kinda a sad song, 'cause all he wants is a chance for, you got it, 'Better Days.' Some of the songs confuse me too, but don't you think they're enjoyable? What do you think about "Stay With You"? And what about "Iris"?
Like, you guys are like, "I listen to some of my music cuz of the MUSIC not the lyrics." But like, the lyrics will most likely influence you more than the music, cuz like the music is just music... and lyrics are words. I dunno, I guess I'm bias against secular music cuz... I don't... I don't know, I just am.
I think you're right Amanda. I like some secular songs (like "Better days") becuase they get me to think about life, but I don't think it's smart to just dump all of it into your mind. If you're filling you head with garbage, it will come out someday.
I didn't really like "Stay with me" and "Iris" because they are typical "love" songs. The artist is either singing of a lost love, a new love, or how life is fulfilled with "love." Their style is enjoyable, but, personally, I don't like songs that leave me feeling confused or if a song has cussing, or sugestive, or violent, or empty themes. (GIGO again).
Here's a couple questions for y'all. What do you think of Classical music, like Bach, Mozart, et al.? Do you have a favorite or do you hate it all? How often do you listen to music without words?
i love playing classical music but not so much listening to it
it s cool just not my style
Some classical music is okay. After a while it makes me sleepy. But like I LOVE Explosions in the Sky, they're not classical but they don't have any words.
Well, I don't really enjoy classical as much as some other stuff, but I love to play classical music on the guitar.
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