Halo 3!!! I know, you don't care! But when the trailor for Halo 3 was released at E3, all Halo fans went nuts. Including me, I went nuts. Though, this game is a long way off, everybody can still tell this will be the greatest Halo game ever. This one will be realesed for Xbox 360 only, which is kinda dissapointing, and kinda the reason I'm saving up for and Xbox 360. These graphics look incredible, I mean, just look at the picture!! Anyway, the link leads to the trailor, I think, if you're interested. I can't wait for this one to come out next summer. Also, the Halo Movie will be released next summer as well.
Sorry, I'm not a big gamer.
Actually, I'm not a gamer at all.
WHY NOT?!?!?!?! Halo is the best video game EVER!!!!
Video games make me mad, and frustrated.
This one's fun though. Click on the link and see where it takes you, and then decide whether you like it or not!! Please?
Oooook. I guess.
Do you have an Xbox or Xbox 360 or anything? The Halo franchise is exclusive to the Xbox and Xbox 360.
yoo who u already have a video games blog smartie
my brother want to tell u that halo is not the best vido game ever
and asks if youve ever even played it
or online nonetheless
but thats what he said
i agree with amanda
but theyre ok i guess
Well, yes I've played it, in fact I own Halo 2. Nobody's played H3. The only time I played Halo on Xbox Live was when I was at your house, Matt. Remember? David Phillips was there, it was at the choir Christmas party at your house!! Anyway, I did exaggerate, I don't think Halo is the BEST game ever. But it is definitely up there with the greats.
ya i figured no one had played h3
Well, I watched the trailor, and I was like.... um ok. I'm just not a video game person!
Ok, ok. I won't post anymore video games!!! Geeeezzz!!
Haha, you can still post video games, I'm just sayin, I don't really play video games.
Well, I'm not gonna post the games if no one agrees with me. Well, then again, nobody agreed with my music either.
Aw, poor Ricky. You said it yourself, "No one shares the same music or T.V. tastes." and it's true.
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