Friday, August 11, 2006

As Cities Burn

Here we have As Cities Burn. A fine hardcore/rock/alternative band. Currently they only have 1 full length album, Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest and 2 EPs that I know absolutely nothing about. Recently their vocalist (TJ Bonnette) got married and they decided that ACB wouldn't be the same without him so they decided to break up. A few weeks later they realized they loved being a band together too much to give it all up. So thankfully, they're still together. To get the full story you can head on over to their official website.

Recommended listens: "Bloodsucker Pt. 2," "Terrible! How Terrible! For the Great City," "Wake, Dead Man, Wake" + many more.


amanda said...

Arrggh, I can't fix the official website link. Sorry.

Ricky said...

cool. I'm glad to see they stayed together, but now I gotta go so I'll listen later!

amanda said...

It's fixdededed.

shannon said...

my computer is freakin out

shannon said...

not my style either

amanda said...

Once again, thanks for at least trying.