Monday, August 21, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

the Devil Wears Prada is some awesome Christian Hardcore. Haha, I wanted to post something and I didn't know what to post and TDWP just so happened to be one of the featured artists! So I guess that's a sign. =) But anyway, tomorrow (8/22/06) they will be releasing their first debut album, Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord. As far as I know they are a fairly new band. I don't have much to say because I don't know much about them except that they rock, and they rock HARD! Recommended listens: Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over, Swords, Dragons, and Diet Coke, and Modeify the Pronunciation. Ok, Shannon I know you're probably thinking "Oh great, more hardcore!" but if you'd like check em out and I'll let you bash on them as much as you'd like. Have a listen and let me know what you think.


Ricky said...

holy crap! you posted that when i did!

Ricky said...

Yeah, I actually added them to my faves list, their pretty good.

Ricky said...

it was a band first.

amanda said...

Haha I knew someone was gonna say that! Yeah, it's a movie. Originally a novel. Then a movie. But I think the band came before the movie. But whatever.

Ricky said...

The band should sue the people who made the movie.

amanda said...

Haha when I saw the commercial for the movie I was like freakin out. But the movie was really bad. It made me mad.

shannon said...

do you think they had any songs by the band in the movie?
i havent checked them out yet

shannon said...

nope sorry

Anonymous said...

yes. very true. theyre awesome. i just bought their cd, its great... i like Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over.

Anonymous said...

yes. very true. theyre awesome. i just bought their cd, its great... i like Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over.