Lately, I've been into Dashboard Confessional. I'm trying to get some of their other albums, but so far I only have Dusk and Summer, their latest release. Chris Carabba, the frontman(or should I say, only man), sings and plays guitar. I can finally say, I found a voice that is real emo, without it being exhausting listening to. Sweet, soft, acoustic love songs(I know, it sounds terrible), but if you are, or are becoming, a hormonal/love-struck teenager then you need to look no further than this album. Of course, if you're a hormonal/love-struck heartbroken teenager who is gonna stay up all night in your room crying over your boyfriend/girlfriend who just dumped you, then this would also keep you occupied.
Recommendations: "Don't Wait," "Reason to Believe," "Stolen," "Dusk and Summer," and "Heaven Here." Other albums by Dashboard Confessional for you love-struck heartbroken teens include The Place You Have Come to Fear the Most, The Swiss Army Romance, and A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar. Enjoy.
Um... as far as I know, none of us are hormonal/love-struck teens.... I hope.
well, we're hormonal teens, and one day we'll be love-struck, I just hope not while we're still teens.
I'm in love. Madly in love. With Showbread's new CD.
haha, again i dont like it but i dont hate it.
Geez, Shannon, the is what I expected you would like more than the rest of us. I guess not. Whatever.
ummm ok
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