Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Queen: Greatest Hits I & II

This is a CD I just ordered online so I decided to post it. Queen: Greatest Hits I &II, is a double-album(meaning two CDs in one set), complete with all of Queen's finest. "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Another One Bites the Dust," all of 'em. I seriously can't wait to get this in the mail or from UPS, I just wanna start cranking it up. Oh well, I hope you enjoy it.
Considering this is a greatest hits album, I'm just gonna recommend any song on this CD. So yeah, Enjoy.


amanda said...

Queen, haha that's a funny name.

Ricky said...

Yeah, well. Would you rather it were King?

Ricky said...

Good. What do YOU think of it, Shannon?

shannon said...

i know some of thier famous stuff like we will rock you and we are the champions and bohemian rhapsody and i want to ride my bicycle and thats bout it. its ok i guess

Ricky said...

Cool, thank you for your input, Melina and Shannon.

Ricky said...

King, or Princess. Just for that, when my band finally assembles, I'm gonna suggest King and the Princess.

Anonymous said...


Ricky said...

No we don't! We could just be called King and the Princess. It'll still be an all guy band, no offense to any girls.

shannon said...

hey you can be the princess!!!!youd be a great princess ricky!jk

amanda said...

I could totally see Ricky in a dress.... ew no I can't.

Ricky said...

You guys are mean. I wear, no dresses. Whatever.

shannon said...

ya thats just not a pretty picture. no offense!

amanda said...

I'm just messin with ya Ricky. I know you would never ever wear a dress.

Ricky said...

Yeah, sure. Can someone please make a post? I'm like, dry on posts right now.

amanda said...

I want to. But I can't. ='(

shannon said...

well i dont have an excuse now do i! so i guess it up to me. so i guess i get to do some thinkin.