Friday, August 25, 2006


Silverstein is a hardcore punk/emo band that has been rising to the top in the past few months. Though I don't really like their look, and I don't know much about them. But they can rock hard. Like I said, I don't know much about 'em, so here we go.
Recommended listens: "Smile in Your Sleep," and "Discovering the Waterfront." Enjoy.


amanda said...

I smile in my sleep sometimes.

Ricky said...
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Ricky said...

good for you, have you listened yet?

amanda said...


Ricky said...

i think you'd like 'em.

shannon said...

hmmmmm i dont completely hate them but i dont like them, like u no i wouldnt mind listening to them on the radio but i wouldnt go out and buy the cd

Ricky said...

K, gotcha.

shannon said...


amanda said...

K I finally listened. They're pretty cool.

Ricky said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally my fave bands are getting respected by Amanda and sometimes Shannon!!!!

amanda said...

Yea, that's amazing. I would never ever believe that Shannon would actually say "they're ok" to your fave artists.

shannon said...

ok i read this too!
does anyone know the hw for sunday skool?

Ricky said...

Like I said, no homework, he'll tell us what it is next week. I guess it's time for a new post...Shannon, do you wanna make a new post?

shannon said...

um no not really, i dont have anything to post of, maybe i can get matt in here to make somethin new...

Ricky said...

I know, seriously, I have nothing to post. Maybe Heidi will wanna make a post, but she listens to rap mostly. So yeah.

shannon said...
