Friday, August 04, 2006

Switchfoot: Whats your favorite?

Umm ok this is all i can think of so here goes. My favorite switchfoot cd is the beautiful letdown, i like all the songs on the cd. their albums are(in order of newest to oldest):
1. Nothing is Sound, featuring 'stars' and 'lonely nation', their most recent hits.
2. The Beautiful Letdown, featuring 'Meant to Live', 'Gone', 'Dare you to Move', and 'Adding to the noise', just to name a few of the most popular songs on the cd.
3. Learning to Breathe, which features 'dare you to move' and 'learning to breathe'.
4. New Way to be Human, featuring 'New way to be Human' and 'Only Hope'(from the movie A Walk to Remember).
5. The Legend of Chin, featuring 'You'(also in a walk to remember).

i recomend checking all of them out at
they let you listen to clips of any song if you click on the cd, a popup window comes up and click on listen.


Ricky said...

Sorry Shannon, I don't really like Switchfoot. They get their songs stuck in my head, and I can't get it out!!!!!! Sorry.

amanda said...

Um.... I like New Way to be Human even though, sorry I think it's terribly annoying. I think the first time I listened to it it made me laugh.

shannon said...

hey thats fine, i agree the music gets stuck in my head too.

amanda said...

Oh yeah sure, that one video by that one band..... haha.

amanda said...

Uh... I think I know what you're talking about. Is it Dare You to Move?

shannon said...

i checked
i think its 'meant to live'

amanda said...

Ricky, tell Matt to get a computer or something!!!

shannon said...

ya thats probably my favorite on

Ricky said...

Amanda! He actually has a working computer, but his parents would be watching every single website he goes to, so he doesn't often use it. So I'm still trying to convince him to come here once in a while...

Ricky said...

Yay!!! My CDs finally came, but I'm at my grandparents so I won't get them till Wednesday when I get home!!!!!! But Melina, I finally got Dashbaord Confessional, so I'll let you borrow it when I get home.

amanda said...

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To everything except that your CDs came.

shannon said...

how do you think his grandparents feel about that! jk

Anonymous said...

I'm coming home later today, so I guess I can make a new post then...