Thursday, August 24, 2006


The BLED is one of my favorite hardcore bands around. These guys know how to rock, scream, mosh, everything. I first heard them when they did the cover of "House of Suffering"(which is a pretty good song in itself). But then I went into more of their music and I realized, this is so much better than that cover. I'm not gonna continue to babble, so just check 'em out.
Recommended listens: "Last American Cowboy," "My Assassin," "She Calls Home," and "Daylight Bombings."

The BLED's purevolume account
The BLED's MySpace account



amanda said...

The pic looks squishy.

Ricky said...

i know, but whatever. What do u think of el band?

shannon said...

you already no what im gunna say, nothing personal though.

Ricky said...

Ok, it was worth a shot, not that I thought you'd like it.

Ricky said...

K, is it just my computer is the font a lot smaller now?

amanda said...

It's your computer.

Ricky said...

k, thought so.