Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Job for a Cowboy

Hey, this is Matt, Shannon's brother. I thought you guys might appreciate this SIIICKK death metal band. I like them, in a weird freaky kinda way. Listen to Entombment of a Machine if you want your brains blown!!!! My sister hates them tho, but whatever.


Ricky said...

Hey Matt, I figure, no offense to Shannon, if Shannon doesn't like it, then I probably will.

Ricky said...

Ok. I like 'em, and it is like their blog said, it's as if all the best metalcore, death metal, and grindcore bands dropped all their best qualities into one giant cauldron in a Satanic ritual while being stirred by Beelzebub. Haha, I agree.

shannon said...

no offense taken, thats pretty much what i said myself

Ricky said...


amanda said...

They're pretty awesome.

amanda said...

They are like waaay cool actually. They got skillz. =P