Saturday, August 19, 2006

Waking the Fallen | Burning Bridges

I thought for a change, I would put one album by one artist against a different album by a different artist, but both have a lot in common. Both are screamo metal music with wailing guitars and drums. Both are dominating their own department of music. Haste the Day in the Christian metal department, Avenged Sevenfold dominating the secular metal department. But even though one is Christian and the other one isn't, they both can compete against each other, because they share the same genre. So enough beating around the bush and back to the albums.

Haste the Day is one of my favorite Christian metal bands, though, I don't like them as much as Amanda, so she could recommend this to you better than I can. Burning Bridges is one of the best metalcore albums ever, I just hope I can actually buy it soon. But what I love about it most is, the fact that the lead screamer, Jimmy Ryan, has one of the best screams I've ever heard. He literally sounds like he can bite your head off. Not kidding. One of the best examples of this, is on the song "Substance," with him opening up the song with a scream so startling that it literally made my mom jump when I made her listen to it. Also not kidding. I definitely recommend this album to you guys who love metal, hardcore, or screamo, but those who don't, just stay away.

Avenged Sevenfold is also one of my favorite bands, period. They can rock hard, the screams and vocals(yes, there are vocals) are loud and emotional, and the drummer is simply unbeatable. The overall talent of the band is almost unmatchable in the music industry these days. If you want guitar players who really know how to play, I suggest you pick up Waking the Fallen, A7x's sophomore album. You're not gonna find just chords and notes, oh no, you'll find that the two players play the same solos in synchronization with each other and a chello playing in the backround. Simply amazing. Just check out "Unholy Confessions," to see what I mean. You'll find you may like it afterall.

If you like Haste the Day, then check out Avenged Sevenfold, and vice versa. You'll find you will like both. Another release by Haste the Day is When Everything Falls, and another release by Avenged Sevenfold is City of Evil.

Haste the Day's purevolume account

Avenged Sevenfold's purevolume account



Ricky said...

Sorry I made you read all that people.

shannon said...

sorry not interested

Ricky said...

whoa, that was quick.

Ricky said...

did u even read it?

shannon said...

ya but i listened to it also

Ricky said...

Sorry, I think you should read it when u have a moment. Did you listen to both Haste the Day and Avenged Sevenfold?

amanda said...

I read it! Of course I will always love HTD more. Haha, but I'll try and get a listen in later or something.

amanda said...

I don't like A7x's vocals.

Ricky said...

what about their screams?

amanda said...

I don't remember what they sound like...

shannon said...

can someone make a new post?